
Tatra T-101.2 has received a Special Certificate of Airworthiness

ZOLZ pro Tatru T-101.2

On December 1st, 2009 the CAA of the Czech Republic has issued a Special Certificate of Airworthiness No. ZOLZ-5394/2 for the Tatra T-101.2 aircraft. Our effort to get aircraft certified has been finally fulfilled.

Tatra T-101.2 has passed the Czech CAA flight tests successfuly

On October 9, 2009 Mr. Svatopluk Vlček, the test pilot of the Czech CAA performed final planned test flight with the Tatra T101-1.2 airplane. Now we can move forward to successful end of the T-101.2 certification. Our aim is to have Tatra airplane certified at the end of this year and after that the regular flying can finally start, and who knows maybe some day we will fly the airplane from Prague to Khartoum again.

Start of flying in 2009

Letoun Tatra T-101.2 se připravuje k letu

15.5.2009 - On April, 10 we resumed flight operations of the Tatra T-101.2 airplane. Our aim is to reach 25 flight hours as soon as possible. Another test pilot Radek Škvařil joined Stanislav to complete basic flight tests of the T-101.2.

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